петак, 9. септембар 2011.

5 Tips to face without acne and pimples

Humidity, heat, sweat and layers of sunscreen takes its toll and the summer months, leading to a rapid deterioration in complexion?

The face you fat
Moisture in the air stimulates the glands and mašćenje skin. Those with oily skin during the summer should be twice a day cleanse your face with toner. In addition, once a week and apply a maskmade ​​of clay. If you notice your face mask too dry, leaving just thetonic.
By the hands and feet have chicken skin
If the skin of the hands and feet have tiny red bumps, probablysuffer from keratosis pilaris - chicken skin, which is most commonly seen on the underside of the upper arm. Try to solve the problem ofa lotion containing alpha or beta hydroxy acids. Do not attempt toremove them by rubbing with a towel because you could make the situation worse.
ingrown hairs
Shaving hair can lead to ingrowing new, so do not use shaving creams rich in essential oils. Or forget to shave and use a hair removal cream based on shea butter.
Armpits darker than the rest of the skin
Shaving and rubbing the fabric can lead to friction, and that theinflammation and brown spots and sivkastih. Highlight them withhydroquinone lotion. In addition, it is important to use a new razorevery three shaves.
From sunscreen to protect from the sun break out your acne
Acne, which broke out after applying sunscreen ingredients are not caused by protection from radiation, than those in the database.Try to find a cream or oil without ingredients that cause acne.
Do not worry, dermatologists recommend some practical solutions.
Longer days, lighter clothing, sunsets, the sea ... But, despite thesebenefits the summer can cause some specific skin problems.Fortunately, and they can be put to an end.

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